Managing book lists

The Book List window is a feature that can be turned on or off on a profile's Home room or for any room (for more information, see Adding or editing a room). System Administrators can configure which book lists are available for profiles. Profile Administrators can then activate the book lists that they want to appear in their Home page content. For more information on how Enterprise receives the necessary information to create book lists, see Book lists connection information.

You can edit each list's display name, and you can assign language-specific names to match the user interface language (see Renaming and localizing book lists display names).

Portfolio allows for three different types of book lists:

  • Bestseller lists
  • A "Most Popular" list
  • A "New Books" list (You can use filters on this list to create custom "newly added" lists, like "New DVD's" for example.)

Bestseller book lists

New York Times bestseller lists are pulled directly from the source. Portfolio does not list them in Book Lists; Instead, you can add or remove them from a room in the Add or Edit Room page (for more information, see Adding or editing a room).

For information about making bestseller lists available for a profile, see Displaying lists in a profile's Book List window.

By default, when a patron chooses Find in My Library, Portfolio performs an ISBN search. If the New York Times has not supplied an ISBN, Portfolio searches by author and title.

If you would rather have Portfolio search by author and title, or if your library is outside the United States, you can specify to search by title and author only. For more information, see Fields: Book Lists.

The "Most Popular" list

If you use the SirsiDynix Symphony ILS with an instance of Symphony Web Services, you can choose to import the "Most Popular" book list from Symphony.

The Most Popular list is generated from the "Most Popular Items" (mostpopular) report in Symphony. For information about running this report, see "Most Popular Items Report" in the Symphony WorkFlows help.

Once you run this report in Symphony, your Web Services instance will pick up its data to be used in Portfolio, and the list will appear on the Book Lists page of the Admin console (for example, "Most Popular - <SymWS instance>").

For information about making the "Most Popular" list available for a profile, see Displaying lists in a profile's Book List window.

The "New Additions" list

If you use the SirsiDynix Symphony ILS with an instance of Symphony Web Services, you can choose to import the "New Books" book list from Symphony.

The New Books list is generated from the "Add Items to Item List" (additemlist) report in Symphony. For information about running this report, see "Add Items to Item List Report" in the Symphony WorkFlows help.

Once you run this report in Symphony, your Web Services instance will pick up its data to be used in Portfolio, and the list will appear on the Book Lists page of the Admin console (for example, "New Additions - <SymWS instance>").

For information about making the "New Books" list available for a profile, see Displaying lists in a profile's Book List window.

Custom "New Additions" lists

Once your Web Services instance is picking up the "New Books" list, you can add a new list that uses filters to limit the items from the "New Additions" list. You can filter by library, item type, and language. For example, if you wanted to show only newly added DVD's, you could filter by item type and create a custom list, "New DVDs".

For more information about custom "New Books" lists, see Creating a custom book list.

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